Monthly Archives: May 2018

When You Dip I Dip We Dip (Then Throw the Container Away)

Before now, the longest I’ve lived in any one house was seven years at one childhood home; the longest I stayed at one job was ten years, and that was probably for three years too long. Now, as we’re in Year Eight at our current location, Continue reading When You Dip I Dip We Dip (Then Throw the Container Away)


There was another school shooting. I was going to write my immediate reaction to the horrific events at Santa Fe High School, but that felt gross, and to be honest, what more is there to say? It’s horrible, it’s too much, it’s positively odious. The people calling the kids actors, the people saying this is fake, the people saying this is Obama’s doing, and the jackass who showed up afterward draped in a flag with a gun strapped to his hip…I’m gobsmacked and disgusted.

I just want to be worn down by the usual end-of-year stampede that hits parents every May. Things like running out of snacks and signing permission slips and countdowns to summer break. I don’t want to be worn down by worry, by fear, by sorrow over something so very preventable.

Please consider going to or Please help do the work – call your senators, representatives, and Governors. Work to shore up loopholes and tighten background checks. Work for common sense. March. Write. Speak up. Do something with us.

Greatest Hits

Hello! No new blog post this week; however, as Mother’s Day approaches here are some of my more popular posts about parenting. Feel free to take a look while pretending you can’t hear your children shouting at each other to be quiet while they burn your breakfast-in-bed toast.

Mother’s Day 2016

It’s Ok To Say You’re a Mother

Promises Made, Promises Kept

A Mother’s Vacation Gratitude Journal


I’ll be back next week with new content. Happy Mother’s Day!